Stichwörter, Firmentätigkeit
full scale measurements, Optimization, 3D Wake Measurement, elastic modules, Linien, Container, Large Ice Model Basin, Hydroakustik, Ro Ro, ice meachanics, Consulting, fracture toughness, Erosion, numerical ice technology, CAD, Hamburgische Schiffbau Versuchsanstalt, Hullform Design, NAVAL ARCHITECTURE, CFD, Computational Fluid Dynamics, Offshore, Research, double flap wavemaker, HYKAT, Modell Propeller Manufacture, freely manoeuvring model, CPMC, grain sizes, HSVA, Ice, EROCAV, evacuation, Hamburg Ship Basin, artic engineering, MARINE ENGINEERING, compressive and tensile ice strength, MODEL BASIN, ice density and salinity, Resistance, Catamaran, icebreaking ships, ice related problems, captive ship model tests, computerized planar motion carriage, capsizing, manoeuvring tests, friction coefficent, Forschungsinstitut, Hullform Optimisation, hydrody, Analysis, RoRo, cold regions technology, German, Optimierung, Noise Measurement, ice texture, material testing under cold temperature, hul